Schwarze Sonne film

Analysis of the movie 'Schwarze Sonne'

Summary of the table of contents

The film "Black Sun" by Rüdiger Sünner sheds light on the use of Nordic myths and esoteric symbols by the Third Reich. It shows how these elements were used to create a profound ideological basis that went far beyond simple political propaganda.

Special features of the film production

"Black Sun" uses extensive archive footage and interviews with experts to examine the mythological and occult aspects of National Socialism. The film stands out due to its in-depth analysis and the combination of historical facts with visual representations.

Reception of the film

The documentary has been praised for its detailed and enlightening presentation. It helps to raise awareness of the dangerous use of symbolism and mythology in extremist ideologies. The critical examination of these issues shows how historical narratives can be manipulated to gain and maintain power.

Historical and spiritual influences

Roles of runes and symbols

Runes and symbols played a central role in the ideological design of National Socialism. These elements were not only used as decorative art, but were also used specifically to convey a deeper mythological meaning associated with Germanic and Nordic traditions. The use of runes, particularly the siegrune, which features prominently in the design of the Black Sun, served to establish a direct link to the supposed Aryan past and to underpin this ideologically.

Influence of theosophy and Aryan myths

Theosophy and the myths surrounding the Aryan race significantly influenced the esoteric and spiritual aspects of National Socialism. Helena Blavatzky's theories about a primordial Aryan race and its mystical powers found their way into the ideology of the Nazi leadership. These esoteric ideas were further developed by figures such as Guido von List, whose writings painted a picture of the Ario-Germanic people as carriers of an original cosmic fire, which was understood as the fundamental life force.

Cult sites of the National Socialists

The National Socialists erected numerous places of worship that served as central locations for ritual celebrations and gatherings. These sites, such as Wewelsburg Castle, were not only architectural masterpieces, but also deeply charged with symbolic meaning. They were seen as sacred places where the "sublimity of the Aryan light" was to be celebrated and the dark forces they saw as a threat were to be warded off. The architectural and symbolic design of these places reflected the mythical and esoteric vision of the Nazi ideologues.

Relevance in modern times

Symbolism and its impact today

The Black Sun, once an occult symbol of the SS, is now used in the neo-Nazi scene as a substitute symbol for the swastika. Its depiction as a tattoo or in fashion is a sign of identification and affiliation within these groups. This use illustrates how historical symbols are recontextualized to promote modern extremist ideologies.

Populist movements and their connection to the past

Populist movements often use historical symbols to create a link to glorified pasts. The Black Sun as a symbol is instrumentalized to suggest an apparent continuity with an idealized Aryan culture. The political rhetoric and symbolism of such groups manifests an effort to position nationalist and racist ideologies as part of a cultural heritage, which underlines their dangerous presence in modern society.


Through the comprehensive examination of the Black Sun in its historical, spiritual and cultural context, it has become clear how profound and multi-layered the meaning of this symbol is. The analysis reveals that the emergence and dissemination of the Black Sun goes far beyond a mere iconographic representation, as it is involved in both esoteric and political extremist movements. The critical examination of its use in National Socialism and its continued presence in modern extremist movements shows how powerful and influential symbols can be in shaping ideological identities.

The significance of the Black Sun in today's society underlines the need to constantly and critically question historical symbols and their reinterpretations. It illustrates that an examination of its history and its influence on contemporary ideological currents is essential in order to understand the mechanisms behind the continuity of such symbols in extremist contexts. These findings challenge us to remain vigilant and to continue the dialog about the role of such symbols in our cultural memory in order to promote a sound understanding of their impact on our society.

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